Thursday, January 7, 2021

CEN FAQs: Providing Ministry Support to Others During Covid

The Covid pandemic has required all of us to rethink how we minister in and through the current pandemic. A ReadyChristian seeks opportunities to minister effectively during the pandemic.

First, accept the responsibility to minister by developing a group to whom you will personally minister to, Isaiah heard the Lord speaking, “…Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8 NIV) Notice Isaiah didn’t say go send somebody else, he committed to respond personally.

Second, ask the Lord through prayer whom the Lord would have you connect with and stand together in ministry. These may or may not be close friends, neighbors or the most obvious.  When in prayer ask the Lord to show you the needs of each person whom God has laid on your heart.

When you developed a list of those whom the Lord would have you reach out to and minister, write down each individual and their contact information and begin to connect with them by telephone or email as appropriate.

Third, ask each person to give you feedback on their needs and prayer requests. Pulling out personal information may take some time to build rapport but will become the basis for effective ministry in the future. Write down the prayer items and when you circle back to your friend’s follow-up to see how they’re doing and the answers which have been so far forthcoming.

Fourth, develop an action response plan on how you may be able to offer some personal support. For example, those who may be at higher risk of catching the virus may need support by younger people able to shop in their place and drop off with contactless delivery when possible, if you’re not in a position to offer the support perhaps you can find an individual who is.

Some of the individuals are going to be very isolated and any effort to break isolation will be so much appreciated. For example, phone calls, emails, texts or sending a note card are ways of demonstrating you genuinely care. At times all you need to do is listen. In some situations, weather permitting, see if you can stop by their house or apartment with a lawn chair and sit outside and converse through a window or a screen door. Offer to take a walk down the street maintaining your distancing outside. These days we all have to be creative.

Fifth, expand your ministry network by connecting with others whom you can encourage to reach out to others in the community and church family. Share your experiences and your stories and as your support group increases consider setting up a Zoom, or conference call every week to encourage each other and compare notes. Encourage your children to take an active part in the ministry effort and inspire them to reach out to their friends and others.

As you start ministering as a ReadyChristian don’t be too concerned about doing everything correctly, the Lord will give you the prompting of the correct steps to take. Also, don’t start with a list of 15 people, start small and then build up, remember the words written by Zachariah, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zachariah 4:10 NIT)


As you begin to minister personally the impact will be substantial and as you encourage others to follow your example God’s light will shine brighter through the darkness of the pandemic.

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