Thursday, January 21, 2021

How ReadyChristian training works.

How ReadyChristian training works.

The ReadyChristian training is a comprehensive guide that will walk you through the process of developing as a ReadyChristian. Below are the recommended process steps to developing a ReadyChristian.

Understand Biblical Readiness

Having an understanding of what the Bible teaches about preparedness and being ready to give an answer to the hope that lies within us is the foundation for the ReadyChristian

Build a Personal Preparedness and Response Network

Before you can begin developing as a ReadyChristian, you must first know where you stand using the personal Biblical Readiness Assessment. This assessment will help you identify where you are already strong in readiness as well as areas to improve and it will help you define the importance of biblical readiness and what means to be biblically ready.

Engaging in Together We Will Stand and Emergency Pray-Care-Share Activities

We are not alone as Christians and “Together We Will Stand” is an important part of the ReadyChristian process. This section walks you through the TWWS material and how to develop as ReadyChristians, together

Make a Kit and Make a Plan

This section walks you through the importance of making a kit and having a plan. It also provides lists and recommendations for what to include in the kit and plan.

Be Informed and Create a Growth Plan

Part of the ReadyChristian process is to remain informed and create a growth plan to further networking, preparedness, and response engagement in the process. This section will give suggestions on where you can find information to stay informed as well as gives suggestions to creating a growth plan.

Respond as a Christian

This section outlines the importance and characteristics that define a ReadyChristian and begins the process of identifying how a ReadyChristian will respond in times of crisis.

Practice Responding

It has been said that “practice makes perfect.” Part of being a ReadyChristian is to practice the response measures that you have put into place. This allows the ReadyChristian to see the strengths and weaknesses of their plan and adjust accordingly.

Engaging in Further, Ongoing Training

The remaining chapter gives suggestions for engaging in further training. As this training is designed to be done either individually or in a small group setting, we have offered some suggestions that can be done individually or corporately.

Get Started

We recognize that people will be coming into this training at different preparedness levels. To help gauge where you may be at in the ReadyChristian process, take this brief 10 question survey.

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