Tuesday, June 15, 2021

CEN ACTIVE Threat News

ACTIVE Threats Against Christians 

Weekly Report

 Internationally, we see the government and authorities persecuting Christians with physical and psychological harm, while radical terrorists and gangs run amuck. Many Christians have been killed, threatened, kidnapped, or imprisoned. Nationally, we see encouraging strides forward as the Faith Community releases the first comprehensive resource on Religion's impact on America. One state pays 175K to Churches for discriminating against Believers and a Man is swallowed by a whale in a modern day Jonah-like story. Let’s be on the lookout for the signs, wonders and miracles of our God.


China:  Beijing's Nebuchadnezzar moment 

Israel:  Daystar studios destroyed by arson 

Mali:  Burkina Faso death count rises after terror attack

India:  Government returns historic church, nut shuts down 20 others

Kenya:  Employer sends hitmen to kill employee after refusing to convert to Islam

China:  Chinese Christians forced to remove religious items from homes replacing with pictures of President

Italy:  Nun beaten to death by three teenage girls beatified

Pakistan: Blasphemy laws a real threat to Pakistani Christians

Hong Kong:  7 Catholic churches threatened over June 4th open air Mass

China:  Pastor and wife forcibly detained as their home is chained shut

Nigeria:  Woman claims babies are ripped from their mothers wombs by Radical Islamic Terrorists

DR Congo:  22 killed in attack in DR Congo


D.C.:  Faith County releases first comprehensive resource on Religions impact on America

MA:  Man swallowed by whale in a modern day Jonah like story

WI:  Court rules state cannot close Christian Schools during Pandemic

VA:  Justice high school senior delivers speech one nation under Allah

NV:  State pays 175K to Churches for discriminating against Believers

D.C.:  Dems promise to pass bill making abortion available up to the moment of birth. 

D.C.:  Religious Liberty and the First Amendment on trial at Supreme Court

OR:  Two Oregon teachers sue to protect their free speech rights over LGBTQ guidelines and calling students by preferred pronouns

VA:  Teacher ordered reinstated after his termination over refusal to use LGBTQ pronouns

SC:  Suspect claims to cleanse the world after setting synagogue ablaze

U.S.:  United States Attorney says church vandalism can be tried as a federal crime

“No one is like you, Lord; you are great, and your name is mighty in power. Who should not fear you, King of the nations? This is your due. Among all the wise leaders of the nations and in all their kingdoms, there is no one like you.”  Jeremiah 10:6-7

Let’s PRAY: Lord, your word has shown us repentance involves turning from sin and turning to YOU alone! You have taught us that when we walk in the paths of Your Truth and righteousness we will have peace that passes all understanding. Help us Lord, to have a repentant heart despite the evil which seeks to destroy us on every side. God grant us Your strength to turn from any rebellion against You as Your children so that others may come to know You as their Guiding Light and Living Savior. AMEN!



Concerned about Christian persecution, Church Arson and Civil Unrest coming near you? God gave us a blueprint to be READY to respond. Will you Be Aware, Ready and There sharing the Hope of Christ amid the confusion and chaos?

Sign up for CEN’s ReadyChristian FREE MEMBERSHIP including:

  • Comprehensive Readiness to Respond Assessments 

Measures your ability to replace fear with Hope and confidence.

  • ‘Up to the Minute’ Subject Expert Conference Calls 

Provide timely life-saving action steps. 

  • When Lightning Strikes Video 

Prepares you to recognize and avoid danger. Watch trailer HERE

  • SENSITIVE UnClassified DATA 

Helps you make deployment decisions Enroll now!


CEN ALERTS, Advisories, ACTIVE Threat News, and FAQs provide timely actionable information to help you be AWARE - READY and THERE sharing Christ for such a time as this! 

CEN FAQs: Food Shortages and Higher Prices

Other Helpful Resources:




Active Shooter Preparedness 

Active Shooter Planning and Response Guide 

Active Shooter: What You Can Do Online Course 

Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships

Employee Vigilance Through the Power of Hello  

Fire as a Weapon

House of Worship Website

Homeland Threat Assessment (HTA)

Houses of Worship Security Self-Assessment Tool 

Hometown Security 

If You See Something, Say Something®  

Insider Threat Guide

Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide and Fact Sheet

Protect Your Privacy

Preventing Targeted Violence Against Faith Communities

Protecting Your Church from Vandalism 

Ransomware Guide

Responding to Civil Unrest

Securing Soft Targets and Crowded Places 

Security Guide

Security Fact Sheet

School Safety and Security 

Securing Public Gatherings

Ten Reasons why Churches are Soft Targets

“Be READY to give an answer for the Hope of Christ within you.” 

I Peter 3:15

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

CEN ACTIVE Threat News


ACTIVE Threats Against Christians 

Weekly Report

Over 1400 Christians were massacred in Nigeria in the last four months alone while China has arrested hundreds of believers in multiple churches. Radical Muslims are turning to Christ in Northern Africa even as a Christian doctor in India is arrested for inviting patients to pray. In Virginia a teacher is fired for not affirming transgender titles as religious liberty is being tried in the U.S.Supreme Court. What’s the U.S. FBI reporting about Active Shooters in the past 20 years? Are ‘woke” businesses punishing Christians? Are you ready to stand together with the Hope of Christ?


Algeria: Church ordered to close by Government, Pastor sentenced to prison.

China: Sanctions Evangelical Leader Who Called Out Religious Freedom Violations

China: Hong Kong Churches threatened over Tiananmen observations.

China: CCP arrests hundreds of believers in multiple locations of a local church

India: Christian Doctor arrested for inviting patients to pray to Jesus.

India: Pastor Seriously wounded, father killed in attack.

Italy: Police shut down Anti Semitic online group.  

Niger: 100 Christians perish in Burkina Faso attack.

Nigeria: Herdsmen kill 37 Christians in Nigeria

Nigeria: Over 1400 Believers have been massacred in Nigeria in the last four months

North Africa: Radical Muslims have turned to Christ and are on fire.

Pakistan: 17 year old Christian student killed by Muslim classmate.

Pakistan: Christian Couple acquitted on blasphemy charges released from prison.             

Viet Nam: Prosecutes house church due to Covid-19


Are Woke Businesses punishing Christians? Are they coming for Believers

AL: UAB student denied enrollment allowed to enroll after Christian aid group steps in

CA: State Government pays over 2 million to Churches for Illegal Covid 19 restrictions

CA: Pentecostal Church loses appeal on worship services, Supreme Court to hear case.

DC: FBI Active shooter report for the last 20 years

DC: Religious Liberty and the First Amendment on trial at the Supreme Court 

FL: Operation "Thou Shalt Not Steal” Suspects in custody after stealing from Churches

MI: School prohibiting valedictorian from sharing Christ at graduation reverses decision. 

OR: Governor advances ‘freedom busting’ Covid Passport for businesses and Churches

TX: City backs down against fight with Church, Pastor humbly thanks the Lord

VA: Virginia teacher fired for not affirming transgender titles

VA: Lawmakers target Pastor supporting teacher who spoke out against transgenderism

WI: Priest won’t resign over statements and raised over $600 K in defense fund


“Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.”

Hosea 14:9

Let’s PRAY: Lord, your word has shown us repentance involves turning from sin and turning to YOU alone! You have taught us that when we walk in the paths of Your Truth and righteousness we will have peace that passes all understanding. Help us Lord, to have a repentant heart despite the evil which seeks to destroy us on every side. God grant us Your strength to turn from any rebellion against you as Your children so that others may come to know You as their Guiding Light and Living Savior. AMEN!



Concerned about Christian persecution, Church Arson and Civil Unrest coming near you? God gave us a blueprint to be READY to respond. Will you Be Aware, Ready and There sharing the Hope of Christ amid the confusion and chaos?

Sign up for CEN’s ReadyChristian FREE MEMBERSHIP including:

  • Comprehensive Readiness to Respond Assessments 

Measures your ability to replace fear with Hope and confidence.

  • ‘Up to the Minute’ Subject Expert Conference Calls 

Provide timely life-saving action steps. 

  • When Lightning Strikes Video 

Prepares you to recognize and avoid danger. Watch trailer HERE

  • SENSITIVE UnClassified DATA 

Helps you make deployment decisions Enroll now!


CEN ALERTS, Advisories, ACTIVE Threat News, and FAQs provide timely actionable information to help you be AWARE - READY and THERE sharing Christ for such a time as this! 

CEN FAQs: Food Shortages and Higher Prices

Other Helpful Resources:




Active Shooter Preparedness 

Active Shooter Planning and Response Guide 

Active Shooter: What You Can Do Online Course 

Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships

Employee Vigilance Through the Power of Hello  

Fire as a Weapon

House of Worship Website

Homeland Threat Assessment (HTA)

Houses of Worship Security Self-Assessment Tool 

Hometown Security 

If You See Something, Say Something®  

Insider Threat Guide

Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide and Fact Sheet

Protect Your Privacy

Preventing Targeted Violence Against Faith Communities

Protecting Your Church from Vandalism 

Ransomware Guide

Responding to Civil Unrest

Securing Soft Targets and Crowded Places 

Security Guide

Security Fact Sheet

School Safety and Security 

Securing Public Gatherings

Ten Reasons why Churches are Soft Targets

“Be READY to give an answer for the Hope of Christ within you.” 

I Peter 3:15