Friday, December 4, 2020

CEN Advisory: Keep Your Job!

CEN Finance Officer Steve Marr, former President and CEO of the fourth largest import export company in the U.S. offers a biblical perspective on the economic crisis facing our nation today. 


The Economic Tsunami sweeping across America, coupled with COVID uncertainties, are challenging the foundations of financial markets in unfamiliar ways, generating fear in investors both here and around the world. Events are moving at such a rapid pace that the current Wall Street Journal becomes obsolete before you finish reading the front page.


Businesses are not filling current openings nor hiring employees for planned expansions pre-COVID. Some businesses have started to cut employee hours and others have already laid off staff. The good news is most businesses, except those hit with bankruptcy, have not engaged in full-scale staff reductions.


Given the turbulence in many businesses, focusing positively on the employment you already have is the wise thing to do as finding a new job may become more difficult in the upcoming days.


Remain Employed


First, be diligent in every aspect of your work. King Solomon wisely instructed, “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV). If the day comes when your employer must reduce staff, your solid diligence day in and day out may make the difference in whether you hold or lose your job. Therefore you might consider staying a few moments later to finish a task, returning those customer calls a little faster, and always making an effort to insure the quality of your work is first rate.


Second, even when pressured, maintain a great attitude. Paul wrote, “Do everything without complaining or arguing.” (Philippians 2:14 NIV). Nobody likes a sourpuss, especially during trying times. When the storm rages around you, focus on having a grateful heart that your needs are being met, even if you don’t particularly like your present job. When your boss asks you to do something, say yes with an upbeat manner rather than grumbling or complaining.


Third, consider how you might create value for your employer by asking how you can do your job even better. Each of us has some room for improvement; by asking directly how you can be of service you create an opportunity to become more valuable in your workplace. King Solomon wrote, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV). As you are willing to become sharper, your value will grow, making you more indispensable to your employer.


Fourth, conduct yourself as if you owned the business. Jesus taught, “The servant shares his master’s fate.” (Matthew 10:25 NLT). Employees will not fare well if their employer enters bankruptcy or a forced sale. A strong company allows wages to rise while creating better opportunities. A struggling firm, on the other hand, can place added pressures on their workers. Remember the words of our Lord who taught, “Any kingdom at war with itself is doomed. A divided home is also doomed.” (Luke 17:11 NLT).

Cast Anxiety


Finally, pray for God’s assistance for both you and your company. As Peter taught us, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV). When both you and your employer are pressured you need to pray for the Lord to remove those fears and anxieties; asking the Lord’s protection over your family, employer, and nation.

Remain Hopeful


Ask the Lord to make you even more diligent and faithful on the job during times of turmoil and financial stress. As you become a voice of calm in the midst of the storm, your co-workers, and even your boss will want to know the source of your peace and strength. As Peter said, each of us must be “quick to give an answer for the hope that is within us.” (I Peter 3:14-16). Your conscientious effort to be an exceptional employee and a calm and caring witness for Christ will greatly increase the chances of keeping your job during a difficult financial time. Being a ReadyChristian one who is spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically prepared will help you and others remain hopeful bringing the Light of Christ to bear in any crisis. 

To interview CEN National Finance Officer Steve Marr:

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