Tuesday, December 8, 2020

CEN Advisory: Bringing Hope to the Lonely this Christmas?


Christmas is a joyous time of the year as we celebrate the birth of Our Risen Savior Jesus. We may celebrate with joyful worship, parties, making special meals, caroling, sending cards or giving and receiving gifts. This year so many of our traditions are having to be altered.  As Christians we need to make an extra effort to find joy amid COVID-related restrictions. 


Those who may already feel somewhat isolated or depressed may sink deeper into hopelessness. Christians have an opportunity to help lift people from their hopeless feelings into the joy which comes only from knowing and following our Lord Jesus Christ. The lonely will feel even more left out when they see people going to and fro to visit family and friends or when they watch a Christmas movie and reflect on better memories from the past. During COVID, we are all affected, but those who are lonely will be even more isolated. A ReadyChristian will intentionally take steps to minister to those who are isolated and lonely.


Each of us has a sphere of contacts from church, our work, friends or neighbors.  Think through your contacts and ask the Lord to show you those who may be isolated or particularly sad this Christmas season. Some situations may be more obvious than others, the sick, recently divorced, grieving the loss of a loved one, or those who may have lost their employment as a result of COVID. Prayerfully consider making a list of different ways you can care for and share the love of Christ in this Christmas season.


A Christmas card is a good first step. But perhaps sending one or more notes throughout the week would help cheer someone up on a given day. A personal phone call, or more than one, will lift individual spirits. Use your personal “connect” time as an opportunity to listen and develop empathy. When an individual expresses pain, hurt or loss during your conversation this is not an opportunity to fix them, but to exercise the ministry of listening and sharing their pain. Active listening may be the best gift you can give. 


Bring your family into the process, as children can also make handmade pictures and cards and connect with neighbors and other family members in ways adults cannot. Show your children firsthand, how Christians effectively minister to those suffering from loneliness. 


Shopping for special gifts will lift up the spirits of any gift recipient. It’s not too late to go online and get an individualized present. You don’t need to spend a lot of money, rather think through a number of people whom you believe are lonely, and ask the Lord to give you wisdom in selecting something, which will brighten their spirits. Consider bringing the Hope of Christ with someone by sharing a favorite book with an appropriate Christian theme. This year most of us are spending far less at restaurants or other activities so this is a great time to repurpose some of those savings into effective and personal ministry.


Another idea? Prepare a Christmas meal or two and drop them off to those who are by themselves. You can drop off a dinner for two with the idea they can enjoy the feast the second day. If they already have something planned for Christmas Day, they can always hold over your wonderful meal. Most people living alone don’t necessarily fix a meal with all the trimmings.This year if you have a small family gathering it is a good reason to make extra meals to share. Wouldn’t anyone enjoy getting a special dinner with turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, vegetables and a piece of pumpkin pie?


Communicating your Christmas Joy with Christ followers will be easier. And, those who do not have a relationship with Christ will require sensitive ways to communicate that your love and kindness comes from the Lord. Ask God to give you insight how best to reach out to those who do not yet have a relationship with Christ and be ready to share His Hope. It will be the best Christmas gift you could give yourself! I Peter 3:15


During this challenging Christmas season focus time and energy on reaching out to those who are lonely and emotionally hurting. Ask the Lord to show you how best to minister to these individuals and pray the Lord will open up the recipients’ heart to your outreach. Use these opportunities to teach children of the joy of giving by involving them in bringing His Joy to the World!

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