Wednesday, March 24, 2021

CEN News: Many Disasters Striking Earth Right Now!

Most of us are focused on the daily newscasts and stories of the severe ramifications of the COVID19 pandemic. However, COVID is not the only disaster striking our world right now.

According to the US drought meter 90% of the Western United States is currently under drought or experiencing abnormal dry conditions.  Of particular concern are parts of Arizona, California, Nevada, Colorado, and Utah are considered to be an exceptional drought, which is the most intense category used. According to Fox News  the trend has been occurring over the last 20 years.

Even a fairly wet season will not resolve the drought problem, much of the drought-stricken areas will require years to fully recover. The longer-term implications are lower agricultural production, resulting in higher food prices for consumers and more severe wildfires.

Second, the USGS  reports we experience on average 15 earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or greater each year. This year we’ve already had 7 earthquakes worldwide with the magnitude 7.0 or larger. If this trend continues, we will see double the number of severe earthquakes worldwide this year.

Third, volcanic activity is increasing with 29 volcanoes erupting right now according to Volcano Discovery . Further, many of these eruptions are coming from volcanoes that have been quiet for hundreds or thousands of years. The eruptions are occurring worldwide from Europe, Iceland, the Pacific, Mexico, the Caribbean, Africa as well as the Philippines.

Fourth, a plague of mice  is ravaging Western Australia. Many farmers have already lost their grain harvest to the rodents and some residents say they have needed hours each day just to clean up the mouse droppings. Homes are constantly invaded with mice swarming into cupboards and nooks and crannies in homes. Given a female mouse can birth 500 mice in a given season the problem is likely to get worse before improvement is experienced. If the mice were not enough life threatening floods are striking New South Wales creating inland seas. 

Fifth, a bird flu is emerging in Russia known as the H5N8 bird flu. Russian scientists  believe the bird flu has developed with human-to-human transmissions, something which has not happened previously with this type of strain. Further, outbreaks of the new bird flu have been reported in China, North Africa and the Middle East, but fortunately this outbreak has been relegated to poultry, not human transmission at this time. 

Sixth, swarms of locusts have been devastating crops throughout the Middle East and Africa. Similar swarms occurred last year and generally these plagues occur only one year at a time, A devastating reemergence is reported in the Daily Telegraph . A large swarm can consume enough food in a single day to feed 35,000 people. Keep in mind these swarms are attacking locations already experiencing severe food scarcity.

Long ago, King David wrote:

“Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge.
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.

 I cry out to God Most High, to God, who vindicates me.
He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me
God sends forth his love and his faithfulness.” Psalm 57:1-3

When we face disasters and challenges today, we need to hold fast onto these words and claim God’s faithfulness. As disasters seem to be coming in greater numbers the Christian Emergency Network urges you to be aware of our times and to become a Ready Christian

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