Wednesday, November 25, 2020

CEN Advisory: THE TIME IS NOW! Give Thanks for Law Enforcement

American Christians, how long are we going to put up with people burning and looting our businesses, terrorizing our homes, and disrespecting the people we trust to protect us, the Police.

Let’s show our appreciation this Thanksgiving to the people we under-pay, under-train and let some people disrespect by throwing bottles and spitting on them and yet we expect the police to make life or death decisions in microseconds. That, we may take weeks, months and even sometimes years to dissect or make these same decisions but allow them to be freely criticized and condemned for doing what we could not do. When will we stop letting ill-advised politicians and intellectual Idiots to defund them? Who are these men and women who risk it all to keep us safe and secure? LAW ENFORCEMENT.

When will we say enough is enough. These men and women deserve better than that. They deserve our respect and gratitude, but the most importantly they deserve us having their back. Like all professions there will be some who make mistakes. Some will be honest mistakes and some will be on purpose. The honest mistakes should be corrected, and the on-purpose mistakes should be prosecuted. Either way, our system of justice is for everyone, including policemen. They too are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Peaceful protests should be “protected at all costs”. Rioting and looting should be “prosecuted at all cost”. Recently, a CNN news broadcaster questioned why protests should be peaceful. We need to refer him to First Amendment of the United States Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

We now have people in the news media telling people it is alright to violently protest while condemning and even supporting defunding the police in a time of crisis. A similar definition of using violence to force political or ideological agendas is used to define terrorism.

It is time for the community and the Church of Jesus Christ to stand up and say NO, this is wrong! The church should demand politicians stop unlawful protest plaguing our major cities and demand our prosecutors prosecute the criminal protesters and not the citizens who use their Second Amendment right to protect themselves and their property.

Our Christian leaders have to make the distinction between “Social Justice” from “Biblical Justice”. It is time we get back to putting Judo-Christian principles enshrined in our Constitution front and center and back into our government and our education system.

The America that I and millions have fought and many died for, is fading fast. We cannot sit idly by and watch our nation be torn apart. Romans 13: 1-8 says we need to respect authority. It is time to act in Christian unity together!

Reflect on the lyrics of a song written by Bernie Nelson, Philip Douglas, and Jeremy Bussey, recorded by Mark Wills:

I'm chasing down a memory

Of the way that things used to be

Kids playing underneath and old street light

Knowing they were safe when they laid down at night

I'm looking for something I ain't seen in a while

I'm looking for a factory

Where a man can feed his family

Not worried about them moving it south

Closing the doors and shutting her down tomorrow

I'm looking for America

The land of the free and the home of the brave

Seems like I just woke up one day

And it was gone, long gone

But I know in my heart it's still out there

Can somebody please tell me where

I'm looking for America

I'm searching for an old church steeple

Where inside you'll find people

Who live their lives unashamed

And they ain't afraid to say God's name out loud

Yeah, I'm looking for America

The land of the free and the home of the brave

Seems like I just woke up one day

And it was gone, long gone

But I know in my heart it's still out there

Can somebody please tell me where?

I'm looking for America!

I'm out here looking for the truth

A few folks to waive the red, white and blue

Who still believe freedom isn't free

And I guess it's up to you and me to find it

Yeah we've got to find it

Cause we're looking for America.

Blessed Thanksgiving!

Carroll Morgan
CEN Safety Security Officer National Deputy

1 comment:

  1. Thanking God for those men and women who put their lives on the line each and every day to protect our lives and freedoms.
