Friday, November 25, 2022

See Chaos Ahead? Be Ready!


As Europe prepares for mob violence, power outages and bank runs Christians worldwide need to Be READY to give an answer for the Hope they have in Jesus Christ!

DHS CISA and FBI issues advisory,Iranian Government-Sponsored APT Actors Compromise Federal Network, Deploy Crypto Miner, Credential Harvesterwhich provides information on their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and indicators of compromise (IOCs) to help network defenders detect and protect against related compromises. 

  • Attacks against churches up 80% in two years

  • CA Elementary School Approves Satanic Club

  • Christian Persecution up by 6,000 in 18 countries 

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him.”

James 1:12 ESV

Holy Glorious, Worthy Lord and Savior, we treasure this promise in our souls in midst of disappointments, illness, losses, trials of all kinds in all sorts of places.  We grieve to see the righteous persecuted and harassed, ridiculed in the public arena and in some parts of the world losing their lives for Your sake.  LORD we know you also grieve that there are such battles over the best Gift possible, Jesus, our source of eternal life. Yet here we claim and treasure your promise that in Your divine timing, the crown of life awaits those who stand in the test in Your ways and love You!  Selah—we pause and ponder in our Messiah, Jesus the Christ. AMEN

Learn more about these and other threats facing CHRISTIANS, CHURCHES and Christian SCHOOLS around the globe in:



Burglaries, Arson and Violent Attacks on Churches up 80% in two years

Threats made Against Church

Church Daycare Threats

Have a church response plan for a possible violent attack to empower your congregants to observe and report concerning behaviors and help your leaders become proficient in de-escalation of various security concerns. Watch the CPPS Safe Church Program. For more information contact: 


CA Elementary School to allow after school Satanic Club


Biblical Marriage under Assault

FBI concerned about Secret Chinese Police Stations in U.S.

Europe Prepares for Mob Violence, Power Outages and Bank Runs


Maynmar Army Bombs Baptist Seminary

Christian Persecution on the Rise in Africa, MEast by almost 6k in 18 countries

Nine Christians Attacked in India

Join with other Christians facing the extremist persecution and threats to our Christian community today - we are stronger together as a ReadyCity




Get your church ready for the uncertainty of our times. Or, start your own home church using ReadyChurch to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically ready to stand with the Hope of Christ in the midst of the widespread chaos and uncertainty unfolding around us!

The CEN step-by-step self-directed training guides will help you: find like-minded Christians, assess your capabilities, make a plan, build your team, and respond together sharing the Hope of Christ in ANY crisis.

  • Get started by mobilizing your ReadyChristian family first.

  • Begin by setting up a ReadyChurch at church or at home. 

  • Protect your brothers and sisters community-wide. Go to ReadyCity

Have a church response plan for a possible violent attack to empower your congregants to observe and report concerning behaviors and help your leaders become proficient in de-escalation of various security concerns. Watch the CPPS video Safe Church Program. For more information contact: 

CEN provides other helpful links to FREE Readiness Resources to prepare your family, church and citywide network. 



Be AWARE, READY and THERE Sharing the Hope of Christ! 

Former Hallmark Star Shares Her Faith in Christ Boldly Amid Backlash 

Jesus film Now Translated into 2000th Languages

CEN ALERTS, Advisories, ACTIVE Threat News, and FAQs provide timely actionable weekly information and threat analysis to help the Christian community to be AWARE - READY and THERE sharing Christ for such a time as this! 

CEN provides consulting, coaching, resources and guidance for Christians while monitoring and coordinating with law enforcement and emergency management 24/7. CEN ATN content contains open source news articles which may or may not be the views held by CEN or may contain errors which are not the responsibility of the CEN.

“Be READY to give an answer for the Hope of Christ within you.” 

I Peter 3:15

1 comment:

  1. As most Christians would quote "there will be wars and rumors of wars"as a sign, there is also the thought to be continually prudent and "Ready" with answers for why so much of this news does not effect our mental health or our Joy! The reason is because we have that peace that passes understanding, which keeps our hearts and minds in HIM! Hearing of possible impending challenges for a ReadyChristian is simply letting us know that Plan A or B may be needed sooner than later. :)
