Friday, September 2, 2022

I Thought I Had More Time


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

When my father was in stages of passing into heaven, he began to say, "I thought I had more time." It pierced me and still does. Isn't that true of me as well? Do I live as though I have time for all the things in my heart: see my grandchildren grow up, advance the Kingdom of God, vital relationships and more. Am I really ready to meet Jesus at any moment? Isn't this reality for us all?  With increasing frequency I am seeing people making the transition from this life.

What do I want to be found doing and what really matters as the day approaches when the Lord comes for me? So many things that used to consume my energy and focus, they are simply irrelevant or dimmed in significance now.  

Let's be a READYCHRISTIAN sharing the aroma of Christ while we remain here.

"For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." LORD our God, help us carry the fragrance of You everywhere. Knowing there is a time to leave this earth and join you, let us make the most of the time You give to us."

2 Corinthians 2: 15

Lisa Crump

CEN Prayer


  1. Praise God. Thank you Lisa.

  2. An excellent reflection Lisa. Thanks you for this refreshing word that we should always be looking for the Father would want us doing as time is always moving. Great word!

  3. Thank you for reminder, as we grow older, time gets away, help us Lord to take one day at a time.
