Monday, April 11, 2022

Where would you go to Evacuate like Ukrainians?

 READY to RESPOND to any crisis large or small as Jesus did?

Just as Jesus had His disciples, we need a Christian Response Group for support if we need to evacuate and for Kingdom expansion. 

While Water, Food, Shelter, Safety, Energy - are all vital physical necessities for survival, we should NOT ignore our Christian support system - as we have seen recently in the Ukraine and Poland.

The fact is, our family, friends and trusted colleagues are VITAL to our survival and ability to respond with the Hope of Christ in any crisis situation. 

Who are they? What do they do? Why do I need them? How do I select them? Sign up to find out and learn…..

“How to Set up and Prepare Your Emergency Response Group” 

Tuesday April 12, 2022 - 8PM ET/7MT/6CT/5PT 

Your Zoom invitation will be sent upon registration 

The ReadyChristian FREE Webinar Action Series helps equip you for any crisis, large or small!

How Will I Benefit?

Perhaps the greatest risk facing Christians today is our own lack of readiness to handle any crisis, large or small. We may be part of a church, community or network of friends, but not actually prepared to respond together quickly when an emergency strikes. 

In that moment of crisis, it is too late to set up your support network. Too late to make evacuation plans. Too late to make plans for your loved ones. 

In any emergency, you are not meant to handle all this on your own. You will learn how to identify, commit to, and prepare together with others in your personal sphere of contacts. 

Your response preparation is not limited to your physical safety. It must also include your spiritual, emotional, and mental preparation.

CEN’s “How to Set up and Prepare Your Emergency Response Group” webinar leads you through the set up and preparation of your own Emergency Support Group.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is open to the public, with specific emphasis on those who have responsibility for others in a family or organization.This topic is particularly important for those who want to understand the need for support and safety in a time of crisis, and how to prepare for getting it.

Why Do I Need This?

The Bible says ‘to be ready to give an answer for the Hope within us’. (I Peter 3:15) The Gospel message expressed in our lives is not only through our words, but also in our standing together in a time of crisis. We need each other, and we need to prepare ahead of time. Dont miss this important topic on April 12th! 

1 comment:

  1. This seminar will help you develop the plan for you and your loved ones. Some people have concerns about making the plans because they don't enjoy thinking about "What if .... happens?" and still others consider making plans that involve a crisis takes away from faith that the crisis "will not come nigh". This seminar will help you understand the biblical principles for the idea of readiness. Everyone is ready for some measure of the unexpected and the bible teaches that we should be. If you have a spare tire in your vehicle, that is readiness. If you keep cash on hand in the event the local ATM is closed, or the local internet for using your bank card is down, that is readiness as well. Having a plan and not needing it, is much better than needing a plan and not having one! Join us for an enjoyable look at readiness and then decide what level of readiness you need to be at for your family!
