Saturday, May 15, 2021

CEN FAQs: Should Christians Avoid the News?

 Christians NEED to Be AWARE as it is the First Line of Defense!

Everyday news outlets, television, radio, and the Internet provides a steady stream of stories, many highlight violence, and the destruction of values we cherish as Christians.  Many of us are tempted to hit another channel or turn off the television altogether. However, is this the best choice for Christians living in today’s world?


We can pay attention, understand, and digest the news without becoming obsessed with negativity. Paul instructs us, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  (Philippians 4:8) Regardless how negative the news may be when we focus most of our attention on the good things as described by Paul, we avoid excessive negativity.


Three key reasons demonstrate why we need to make the effort to stay informed, without becoming consumed by the news the day. First, we can pray for specific situations. When the government or others are taking actions contrary to the word of God, we can focus our prayers and ask the Lord’s intervention in that circumstance and for those individuals involved. When we see disasters, beatings, murders, and other despicable situations we can pray for those involved in the situation and ask God’s intervention in their lives and that the disaster would be turn for good and draw people to the Lord.


Second, we obtain information which will allow us to act in the best interest of ourselves, our family, and the church. For example, recent news articles have suggested chicken and other meat products will likely increase in cost significantly, providing an opportunity to acquire additional supplies at a lower cost rather than waiting and paying more. When we ignore the news, we forfeit the opportunity to act which may be critical. When there is a hurricane warning where you live you want to be able to understand and act on that warning.


Third, you want to be able to be equipped to minister to those around you. Current events, particularly those that are negative, may open doors for ministry that are closed at other times. If economic news is negative, you may have an opportunity to recommend Christian counseling materials. Additionally, you will have the ability to shine the light of truth and whatever dark news is consuming your friends and neighbors.


When Christians engage in society and pay attention to the news, without becoming overly consumed by negativity, doors of ministry opportunity will abound, doors that may be used to expand the kingdom of the Lord. When negativity tends to bring us down recall the words of our Lord, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. “John 14:27

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