Monday, April 12, 2021

CEN FAQs: Carry Key Data with You

You’re driving through the intersection with a green light and your car is slammed as another vehicle runs a red light. Or you may be sitting at home during a tornado watch and you hear the dreaded sound of a freight train so you immediately grab your family and dive for the basement but in an instant your house is lifted off the foundation. These and other emergency situations may leave you without immediate access to your critical personal data and information.

Keeping important backup information on a keychain flash drive will allow you to carry your crucial information where you go, and not rely on your backup storage in the cloud. Use a reminder on your calendar to update it often as some data may frequently change. 

For example, if you’re in an emergency room after a car accident with a family member your data stick should contain the medical history of each family member providing immediate information to treating physicians. Trying to remember all meds and medical history under stress is not easy.

In a situation where your home is devastated by a tornado or other disaster your backup data stick should contain insurance information and other important contacts you will need to manage your personal affairs.

A good backup plan is to scan and make copies on your flash drive of key personal documents such as driver’s licenses, birth certificates, passports, home property deeds and vehicle registrations.

Flash drive keychains are available for under $20 and should be protected with a strong password. Download information, as appropriate, for each family member. Again, remember to note on your calendar and update your flash drive every three or six months so information does not become obsolete.

Keeping your important data is one small step at becoming a ReadyChristian. Explore more about being ready to survive and minister in and through disasters, whether at home, through your church or your Christian citywide networks by checking out the Christian Emergency Network

Be READY for any future emergencies, large or small. (I Peter 3:15)

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