Thursday, April 8, 2021

CEN Advisory: Why are Churches "Soft Targets"?

 Why are Churches considered “Soft Targets”

The Church today has vulnerabilities not unlike other places in which people congregate freely whether shopping malls, schools or sporting events - they all have common vulnerabilities such as revolving doors. However, the Church has its own set of unique vulnerabilities such as:

  1. Event vs Response Aspiration - The Church has aspired to be the biggest and most popular on-site, on-stage, on-schedule event driven place to go to versus being known for the most on-message, on-response, on-righteousness, with on-the-move people like Jesus.

  2. Part vs Whole Incident Activation - The Church has often activated on incidents based upon the media reaction, such as to an active shooter incident with prayer vigils only versus activating for a whole biblical response to the whole incident from start to finish where the Gospel is clearly presented and congregants all have a role in the response. (Neh 4:16-18)

  3. React vs Deter Application - The Church has been reactionary versus examining the threats, risks and vulnerabilities in advance on behalf of the whole church body with a plan to deter issues - the ReadyChurch takes a "whole team approach" so when anyone walks through their revolving doors they are perceived as “safe” doors.

  4. Not Here vs Prepare Attitude - The Church has long held they are in safe zones without a realistic assessment of our times and likely risks as well as having an understanding of their own capacity and plans based upon routine response practice.

  5. Turn vs Team Approach - The Church has become top down - one pastor with sole responsibility - versus the whole body preparing and responding to any crisis large or small as a part of a daily discipline. The turn Church often results in a missed opportunity for sharing the Gospel because they are unprepared with teams to respond.

  6. Inactive vs Active - The Church has become less participatory 20% do 80% work versus everyone having their part in a responsive functioning whole body, including in matters of emergency and security incidents where 80% of those in crisis will ask: "Where is God in this?"

  7. Soft vs Hard Assessment - The Church is often unaware of how businesses, government, schools, and other institutions have reversed being a "soft target" themselves as they have strengthened their own plans with deterrents making it appear less vulnerable to assaults.

  8. Follower vs Leader Assumption - The Church relies on the secular approach to responding to crisis not the biblical model which "puts on the full armor of God", prepares against that day realistically and responds having been well trained for any crisis large or small.

  9. Government vs Church Agreements - The Church has relied, in recent years, upon government response mainly to the physical needs of survivors and they rarely have agreements in place to respond to incidents with other churches in their community with whom they share a common faith, common leadership structure, common resources,  

  10. Isolated vs Life Adjustments - The Church has become isolated from one another and often slow to make adjustments to the prevailing threats and risks. Joseph planned, Noah prepared, Esther stood strong, and many biblical role models have shown us how to Glorify Jesus in the very midst of crisis.

CEN has created a resource to help your church overcome these unique vulnerabilities. A biblical response is one where Christians are prepared spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically in any crisis. The Church is God's triage center and we are his hands and feet. ReadyChurch will help you put trained leadership teams in place, develop emergency and continuity of operations plans, and respond together with other churches much like Nehemiah in his day - we need to rebuild our walls!

Close up the vulnerabilities. Get your ReadyChurch leadership training today!

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