Thursday, February 18, 2021

CEN Advisory: Do These Things Now to Prepare!

We see the tragedy unfolding as Texas and wide swaths of the United States are without electrical power in millions of houses for days at a time. With temperatures dropping, families are huddling in an effort to stay warm and many homes don’t have adequate food supplies or alternative methods for preparing a simple meal.  

Today, according to a tracker on Walmart's website, 501 stores are currently shut down, from Texas to Kentucky, due to Winter Storm Uri, which has dumped snow and ice and caused frigid temperatures in the South since last week. 

TAKE steps now to provide a cushion to protect your family for any emergency large or small. Every family member who is a Ready Christian not only means your own survival to share the Gospel another day, but it also reduces the first responder load.

  1. Store a minimum of two weeks of food and ready to use containers. Four weeks would be better. Use a combination of canned and dried foods like pasta, canned spaghetti sauce and other products. When you put your extra food in your pantry be vigilant in replacing as used. When gathering your food supplies make the assumption you will need to prepare with no electricity. Cost $150.00

  2. Provide an alternative source of heat for your home.  One simple option is a kerosene heater, smaller models will heat a space adequate for a family to cuddle around and larger models will heat a considerable amount of space. Make sure you purchase fuel to run the heater for at least two weeks. Cost for heater and fuel $250.00 

  3. Several million Texans are currently being told to boil their water. Contamination of water during an emergency is common.  Read the CNN article on Purifying water , many options are available. Cost $50.00 up. 

  4. Water storage It is critical this article will provide options, the cost is $50, up depending on the type of storage devices you decide to purchase.

  5.  Emergency candles Emergency Candles are an important light option, costs start at $30.00. 

  6. A home needs an alternative method of cooking and heating food.  The article covers a number of ideas but plan on budgeting $200.00 for a good stove and adequate fuel.

  7. An alternative  emergency toilet  will help get you by plan on budgeting $50.00, up depending on your preferred option.

A family is able to take substantial steps at weathering a disaster for an investment of $800. If you have funds available and live in an area not devastated by the storms go out and purchase these items now over the weekend, do not delay. A wise person said it’s better to be several years earlier than an hour late. If you do not have the money available, start this week and budget funds so over a reasonable period of time you will at least have these basics covered.

If you’re able, consider acquiring additional supplies of these key items with the idea you will be able to have a ministry outreach during a crisis as you help others in your neighborhood. King Solomon wrote, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” (Proverbs 27:12) in today’s environment disasters frequently do not give us advance notice. Taking a few simple steps today will protect your family, and also open doors for ministry outreach. Learn more about becoming a Ready Christian

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