Friday, December 23, 2022

Bright Light in the Midst of Chaos!

With Cancellations, Travel Delays, and Power Outages bringing Chaos to the U.S. this Christmas week the Bright Light of Christ Shines Ever Greater!

A snowy Christmas may sound great in songs and for those already in a warm cabin, but the weather extremes all hitting different parts of the U.S. at the same time right now are set to put a serious curb on holiday travel plans.

In fact, the "get home by any means" experience that was forever memorialized in the 1987 movie "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" is already becoming a lot of people's reality this weekend. Record-low temperatures have left over one million in the Northeast without power while separate snowstorms have also hit the West Coast andTexas.

As of 4pm on Friday December 23, over 7,500 fights within, into or out of the U.S. have been canceled due to adverse weather. A further 6,500 have been delayed and may be canceled still -- the numbers climb higher every time one refreshes the page. 

While we watch and pray for the those who are without power to have a warm shelter, food and water within this storm we also have the opportunity as believers to ask God for a Miracle. When we pray to the God of the Universe for things that seem impossible, it is the perfect opportunity for Him to make miracles happen!


Be strong and courageous, Fear not; be not dismayed; for the Lord God, my God, is with you until you have finished the work for the service of the Lord. 

1 Chronicles 28:20 

Father, we are asking and believing you to show Yourself at work in a way that puts everyone in awe of who You are and Your love. You know every detail of each of our lives. Move in this storm we pray, as we are watching with thankful hearts, to see miracles this Christmas! We ask that many lives will be touched for the Glory of your Name. AMEN

Rev Lois Blei



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