Thursday, May 26, 2022

8 URGENT Security Questions Parents Must Ask

Sadly, we have another school tragedy. It is long past due for parents to start asking questions about safety and security in our schools. So often, when incidents like the Uvalde, Texas active shooter massacre occur, the media and politicians focus on the same, mostly ineffective and political ‘remedies' to prevent future tragedies. After the incident is over and when the reporters have interviewed as many citizens as they can find, the cameras are packed up and the spotlight is no longer shining on the school involved and nothing significant happens. This needs to change and parents can have a significant impact.

CEN has compiled a list of questions parents can ask school principals, school superintendents, and their local school board members to get things moving in the right direction. Obviously, there is much room for improvement in the response to school emergencies. Parents can most certainly make an impact to jump-start this improvement. Waiting for the government to take care of this issue has proven to be ineffective.


  1. Does the district (or school) have an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)?

  2. Has the school conducted a comprehensive Needs Assessment of the school with Safety and Security experts?

  3. What part of the Emergency Operations Plan am I, as a parent, allowed to know about?

  4. How often does the entire staff review and study the EOP?

  5. Are newly hired staff specifically trained in the procedures for school emergencies? How are substitute teachers and substitute staff trained in the emergency procedures?

  6. What specific drills are required each year so that staff are practicing the procedures? Are the drills known in advance or are they surprise drills or both? (i.e. lockdown procedures, fire drills, tornado drills, off-site shelter procedures, etc.)  

  7. How is communication handled before, during, and after the incident? 

  8. How is communication handled within the building and within the entire district?


Contact CEN National Administration Deputy, Audrey Burgher: for ReadySchool training and more information on how you may hold your school administration and staff accountable.

“Be READY to give an answer for the Hope of Christ within you.”

I Peter 3:15

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